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銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店: Kudos 今個禮拜 #行政半自助午餐 #出示銅鑼灣公司卡片就有買五送一 #仲有八折

銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店 Kudos 今個禮拜 #行政半自助午餐 主菜有香蒜辣椒蜆仔炒意大利粉,少少辣、夠惹味,夏天最啱食~想知仲有咩主菜揀?即上 goo.gl/zQNHcH 睇下Menu D啦~ #銅鑼灣職人優惠 #出示銅鑼灣公司卡片就有買五送一 #仲有八折 Kudos: 3980 3000 Enjoy the Spaghetti Alle Vongole at Kudos Executive Semi-buffet Lunch this week~ It’s hot but not fiery and perfect for summer! Check out other mains of Menu D at: goo.gl/zQNHcH #CausewayBayersDiscount #Buy5get1free #CWBBusinesscard 優惠只適用於行政半自助午餐$238的選擇、所有價錢另收以原價計算之加一服務費、優惠受相關條款及細則約束 This offer only applies to the $238 option at the Executive Semi-buffet Lunch. All prices are subject to 10% service charge which is calculated based on original prices. Terms and conditions apply.