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Hong Kong Express 週末套票大特賣

呢個星期U-FLY Holidays又為您哋帶嚟一個令人興奮嘅套票優惠!周末。套票。大特賣嘅主題係:機票低至5折*起! 由而家開始到9月25號,喺HK Express嘅官方套票網站U-FLY holidays(http://www.uflyholidays.com/hk)訂購由香港出發到日本、韓國、泰國、越南、柬埔寨同埋緬甸嘅套票,即可享有5折* 優惠!唔好話我唔提你啦,U-FLY holidays嘅24小時「最優惠價格保證」( http://www.uflyholidays.com/hk/best-price ) 先係套票嘅重點,買貴左隨時有得退返差價!您仲開10個網站慢慢格價? 快啲上U-FLY holidays官網訂優惠套票啦! 訂購日期:2016年9月23日至25日 旅遊日期:2016年10月7日至12月7日 U-FLY Holidays has yet another exciting promotion this weekend! Stunned by our low fares all week? Delighted by the 50% off* promotion we announced this morning?? What about 50% off* on fares combined with the attractive holiday packages on http://www.uflyholidays.com? Book your holidays now to Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar! From now till 25 Sep, check out the incredible discounts on U-FLY Holidays- you are guaranteed to find the best deals here! Visit http://www.uflyholidays.com/en/best-price for more information. We got you covered. Booking period: 23-25 Sep 2016 Travel period: 07 Oct 2016 - 07 Dec 2016