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北角海逸酒店: 週末點心放題低至8折優惠

北角海逸酒店: 週末點心放題低至8折優惠 海逸軒中餐廳於星期六及日推出3.5小時點心放題,超過八十款的精美點心、小食及甜品等等任點任食,點心更即叫即蒸,新鮮度同熱辣辣的美食絕不令您失望。現於網上商店購買星期六點心放題更可享有8折優惠,萬勿錯過。 Hoi Yat Heen Chinese Restaurant launches 3.5-hour Dim Sum Lunch Buffet on Saturday and Sunday, with over 80 kinds of toothsome dim sum and desserts made by order for selections. Purchase the Saturday’s Dim Sum lunch buffet on our eShop to enjoy 20% discount. Act now! 詳情: https://goo.gl/q9Yksd