kongsolo jetso expired

為喜歡100% Arabica咖啡的你,送上限時網上預購優惠

Pacific Coffee

為喜歡100% Arabica咖啡的你,送上限時網上預購優惠!所有已登記之會員現可以優惠價 $268預購咖啡豆禮品套裝(總值 $338)— 套裝包括:咖啡豆1包 + Pacific Coffee x Stojo 折疊杯 (16oz) 1隻!網上預購更可獨家獲贈刻名服務,讓你擁有個人化的隨行杯
Don’t miss out on this online-exclusive offer if you are a fan of 100% Arabica coffees! All registered members may now pre-order the coffee bean value set at a discount price of $268 (valued at $338). The value set includes: 1 pack of coffee beans + 1 Pacific Coffee x Stojo Pocket Cup 16 oz. You can even receive an engraving service for free -- only when you pre-order online
Get your beans and personalized cup now: https://www.pacificcoffee.com/en/whats-new/news/coffee-bean-value-set-pre-order/
*Limited to 100 sets only; Terms and conditions apply, please visit the pre-order page for more details
