kongsolo jetso expired

♥️【愛在新濠 | 你守護世界,我們寵愛你】

♥️【愛在新濠 | 你守護世界,我們寵愛你】

愛與希望同在,為感謝澳門前線醫護人員的無私付出,新濠將特別呈獻「#致敬醫護」活動。由即日起至6月21日,憑澳門醫護人員證件蒞臨 #新濠集團 旗下 #新濠影滙,即可享新濠影滙「影滙之星」及新濠影滙戶外游泳池免費5位入場*。感謝守護生命的你們,請帶上家人好友來好好放鬆吧。

更多詳情: https://bit.ly/2zAXDiV



♥️【To Our Beloved Angels . Let Us Indulge You】

Where there is love, there is hope. To our selfless and fearless Macau front-line medical staffs, thank you for your contribution protecting Macau’s community during the current climate. From now until June 21, we are pleased to offer all Macau Medical Staff (ID) * five free admissions to the Golden Reel at Studio City and the entry to Studio City Outdoor Pool. We would love to pamper you to Melco's Studio City Macau 新濠影滙 with your friends and family.

To Our Angels: https://bit.ly/2zyfNSv

♥️Thank you once again for keeping us safe. We are all in this together.

* Offer subjected to availability, first come first served
* Terms and conditions apply

#愛在新濠 #澳門醫護人員 #致敬醫護 #白衣天使 #影滙之星 #摩天輪 #新濠影滙 #小善大愛 #新濠天地 #StudioCityMacau #StudioCity #Macau #GoldenReel #Swimmingpool #MelcoResorts #OutdoorSwimmingPool #MedicalStaff #ThankYou #ActsofKindness #SimpleActsofKindness
