kongsolo jetso expired

Market Place 【日之夏祭 立即開動!】

Market Place by Jasons

【日之夏祭 立即開動!】

相信大家都好掛住日本美食,Market Place by Jasons「日之夏祭」為你搜羅鹿兒島和牛、福岡巨峰提子、和歌山梅同各款零食等超人氣產品,畀今個夏天好掛住日本嘅你,唔使飛過去都食到屬於日本嘅味道!Let’s go!

優惠期: 19/6-25/6/2020

【Japan Summer Fair is here!】

Do you miss Japanese food? Market Place by Jasons presents Japan Summer Fair, bringing you Kagoshima wagyu, Japan Kyoho grape, Wakayama plums and many more snacks! If you miss the flavours of Japan, you can enjoy them right here without flying there. Let’s go!

Promotion Date: 19/6-25/6/2020
