kongsolo jetso expired

KIKO 夏季大減價開始啦!

KIKO 夏季大減價開始啦!
指定貨品低至3折! 快D黎 KIKO各分店買晒你鍾意嘅貨品啦!現凡購物滿$ 300,更即可獲贈KIKO雨傘乙把 。 咁抵! 仲唔快D行動?!‍♀️

KIKO Summer Promotion is finally here!
Get your favorite products now with discounts up to 70% off starting on 3 July. If that isn’t enough all purchases over $300 will also receive a complimentary KIKO signature umbrella.
*Gift per person, while stock lasts.

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