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【SOGO Rewards會員日—精選產品推薦】

【SOGO Rewards會員日—精選產品推薦】
SOGO Rewards會員日進入最後階段,未買夠就要快手啲啦!由即日起至6/10,喺崇光銅鑼灣店、崇光尖沙咀店及崇光網店購物,可賺取高達35X積分同享盡折扣優惠之餘,仲有數之不盡嘅購物禮遇同獨家貨品等緊您!太多產品想買唔知點揀?立即睇下我哋推薦嘅精選崇光網店產品,把握機會買到盡啦!
SOGO Rewards會員日詳情:bit.ly/2S5FrUi
【SOGO Rewards Days—Recommended Products】
Only 5 days left for SOGO Rewards Days! Grab your last chance to shop till you drop! From now until 6/10, shop at SOGO Causeway Bay Store, SOGO Tsim Sha Tsui Store and SOGO eStore to earn up to 35X SOGO Rewards Points and enjoy special discounts! Countless shopping offers and exclusive items also await! Don’t miss out! Check out the product recommendations at SOGO eStore below!
SOGO Rewards Days: bit.ly/2S5FrUi
#sogohongkong #sogo35 #sogorewardsdays
