kongsolo jetso expired

PizzaExpress 消費滿$250可享七折優惠 *

快樂係一種選擇 一齊輕鬆吓啦
試吓我哋最新推出嘅 #PECheer4U IG 濾鏡,搖身一變成為我哋最受歡迎嘅Food Hero,將正能量散播俾更多人
由聽日起到11月30日嚟惠顧,將張相show俾我哋餐廳嘅同事睇,消費滿$250可享七折優惠 *

1. 追蹤PizzaExpress Hong Kong Instagram官方帳號 @pizzaexpresshk
2. 按 http://bit.ly/PECheer4U 用 #PECheer4U IG 濾鏡拍攝
3. 標註 (tag) @pizzaexpresshk 及分享到IG 限時動態
4. 向餐廳店員出示該限時動態或熒幕截圖享用7折優惠

We’re getting doughball crazy. Literally.

Put a smile on your face with our new IG fantastic food filter featuring our food heroes, #PECheer4U. Share the positivity around.

You’ll be even more cheerful when you show staff your fun photo and receive a 30% discount upon spending $250*!

Simple steps to follow
1. Follow PizzaExpress Hong Kong Official Instagram account @pizzaexpresshk
2. Click on http://bit.ly/PECheer4U and take a video/photo with our IG filters
3. Tag @pizzaexpresshk & share on your IG story
4. Screencap and display to our staff to enjoy 30% off

It’s definitely time for a mad makeover and a really good laugh! You deserve it.

*優惠期由即日起至2020年11月30日,星期一至四有效,公眾假期不適用。只適用於單點菜式。不能與其他優惠同時使用。Valid from tomorrow until 30 November, 2020, Mon-Thurs only, except public holidays. Applicable on a la carte items only.Cannot be used in conjunction with other offers.

