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贏$500 Wingman現金券

贏$500 Wingman現金券
觀塘嘅朋友我哋有一個好消息!!! Wingman已經進軍咗觀塘, 由今日開始大家可以喺唔同嘅外賣平台來試試我哋啲雞翼! 如果大家喺office開p記住搵我哋! 我哋暫時嘅營業時間係11點至到8點. 為咗慶祝我哋觀塘嘅 soft launch, 我哋會送出 5張現金券之後大家都可以喺我哋嘅網站去redeem!
1. Tag 兩位朋友
2. 分享呢個post
3. 留言講出你最想食嘅味
- 現金券只可以喺觀塘嘅Wingman order使用
- 被抽中嘅幸運兒我哋會email e-coupon畀你
- Wingman reserves all rights in case of any disputes.
Win $500 coupons!
Hey guys! Wingman has landed in Kwun Tong now! You can now order from us on the delivery platforms! We are so psyched! To celebrate this we are offering 5 $500 coupons for anyone to win. All you need to do is:
1. Tag 2 friends
2. Share this post
3. comment saying which flavour you want to try the post
- The coupon can only be used in Kwun Tong ordering
- The winners will be sent the coupon via email
- Wingman reserves all rights in case of any disputes