kongsolo jetso expired

Pacific Coffee 送你人蔘芒果熱情果汁

Pacific Coffee

讓我們提早為你送上節日小心意? 凡於門店購買任何1杯聖誕特飲及聖誕蜜糖烤火腿包1個,即送你 READY HK PowerUp人蔘芒果熱情果汁 (250ML) 一枝!果汁以芒果同熱情果製成,更特別加入瓜拿納同人參精華,提神又醒腦,至適合返工時飲用,讓能量Power Up??
Here’s an early Xmas gift for you? With the purchase of any Christmas drinks and a Xmas Glazed Ham & Apple Sandwich, you will get a bottle of READY Power-Up NFC Juice (250ml) for free! Mixing mango and passion fruit with guarana and ginseng, it will give you the energy you need for the day??
*Offer is available in all coffeehouses in Hong Kong; Available while stocks last.
