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Wynn Care 永利關愛【關愛送不斷 佳節贏SPA】

Wynn Care 永利關愛【關愛送不斷 佳節贏SPA】 永永、利利藉著佳節之際,為大家寫了Facebook聖誕卡,送上真誠祝福!看到聖誕卡了嗎?猜中聖誕卡內容,就有機會贏得雙人SPA哦 Wing Wing and Lei Lei have prepared holiday card messages to everyone on Facebook. Tell us about their holiday sayings - to win our fantastic SPA for 2! 【玩法 How to Win】 1⃣讚好「Wynn Care 永利關愛」Facebook專頁; Like 「Wynn Care 永利關愛」 Facebook Page 2⃣在此帖上投選代表正確答案的“表情”: Choose the correct answer by selecting the appropriate “reaction” button: 送祝福、傳關愛、共迎幸福佳節。Let the spirit of Christmas warm our community with joy, love and care! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 每逢佳節胖三斤 。We wish you a merry food-mas! 人見人愛 竹葉滿載 。May love, happiness and plenty of bamboo shoots be yours this Christmas season and always! 3⃣最後,記住公開分享此帖 Share this Campaign Post (must set the post to “Public”) ————————————————————————— 【條款及細則 Terms and Conditions Applied】http://bit.ly/2Gwx3dK 【活動截止時間 Campaign Deadline】2019/1/3, 23:59 (以澳門時間為準 Macao Time) 【得獎結果公佈日期 Winner Announcement Date】2019/1/7 https://goo.gl/68849j 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知