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都會海逸酒店: 惠顧午市套餐或假日早午餐可享8折優惠,晚市精選菜譜更可享7折優惠!

都會海逸酒店 由即日起於酒店eShop預購千鶴日本料理電子按金,惠顧午市套餐或假日早午餐可享8折優惠,晚市精選菜譜更可享7折優惠! 千鶴日本料理供應精美壽司 刺身及鐵板燒等各式和風美食 另設卡拉OK貴賓廳,讓您擁有私人歡聚空間 Grab the best dining discount at hotel eShop now! Prepaid e-Deposit and enjoy up to 30% off for dining at Senzuru! Senzuru features a sushi & sashimi counter, teppanyaki tables and also two private rooms with karaoke! Come on down to savour all your favourite Japanese dishes and seasonal items from Japan eShop: https://bit.ly/2PpR5Hi ☎️ 3160 6898 受有關條款及細則約束 Terms & conditions apply 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知