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A-1 Bakery Group多啦A夢神奇之旅

A-1 Bakery Group多啦A夢神奇之旅 迷你精緻的銅鑼燒配以清新的芒果熱情果醬及雜果,酸甜滋味著實讓人忍不住誘惑。 Made with mini red bean pancake, with fresh mango passion fruit jelly and other fruits, a perfect combination! 售價/ price:$168 (12 cm) 配上趣緻【多啦A夢紅豆班戟】 及【大雄生朱古力班戟 】,給您多重滋味享受! Together with [Doraemon Azuki Pancake] & [Nobita Nama-chocolate Pancake], gives you multiple delicious tastes at once! 售價/ price:$22/1件 售賣分店/ Available shopshttp://bit.ly/2Ik5XFf 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知