kongsolo jetso expired

Paul Lafayet 買中秋節禮盒即享九折優惠

一直致力將法式傳統甜點帶到香港的PAUL LAFAYET,繼推出令人沉醉的馬卡龍、濃甜暖意的法式焦糖燉蛋,今年更藉著中秋佳節,為大家帶來法國全人手製造、擁有過百年歷史的皇室甜點Calisson,在這個中秋節跟家人一同分享最為合適不過。現購買中秋節禮盒即享九折優惠,買滿兩盒更額外獲贈HK$50現金禮券。

Successfully launching “Crème Brûlée” and macarons, PAUL LAFAYET is introducing handmade French royal dessert “Calisson” to town. An exclusive mid-autumn festival gift set is now on offer, connecting French dessert craftsmanship and Chinese tradition to enrich the festival with romantic feelings and cheerfulness. From now get 10% off for any purchase Moon Festival Gift Box and get extra HK$50 cash voucher with any purchase two boxes.

@paullafayet #paullafayet #calisson #calissonformidautumn #littlehug
#中秋節禮盒 #中秋節
