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Pacific Coffee【9月份會員尊享禮遇】

Pacific Coffee【9月份會員尊享禮遇】

召集文具控!好多人都有買文具的癮,來到9月,讓我們為會員送上精美文具套裝吧!只要到門市增值The Perfect Cup 卡滿$300或以上,即可獲贈two-tone筆記簿一本連迷你筆袋(零售價$128)!
優惠數量有限,送/售完即止。條款及細則: http://bit.ly/PCCTandC-tc

【Perks for Members in Sep】
Work is more enjoyable with pretty stationery. Get a free Two-tone Notebook and Mini Pencil Case set (Retail Price $128) upon top-up of $300 or above on the Perfect Cup Card. 
This notebook contains lined pages to meet your every need. Available while stocks last. Terms and conditions apply: http://bit.ly/PCCTandC-en

