kongsolo jetso expired


由於FOODCATION +「食+住」優惠反應熱烈,我們現延長優惠期至2019年12月21號。

把握這個最後機會,入住ICON 36城景客房一晚(只限兩位入住),並於屢獲殊榮的餐廳內享用多達8款選項的自選餐飲體驗。

了解更多: https://bit.ly/2JGy5mn
立即預訂: http://bit.ly/335aB1T

Due to popular demand, we have decided to extend our Foodcation+ package until 21 December 2019.

It is your last chance to have a a fuss-free getaway at our spacious and stylish room with a choice between 8 dining options with value added choices.

Read more about Foodcation+: https://bit.ly/2Px1PGa
Book now: https://bit.ly/335lXDd
