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國泰航空 fanfares 機票最新優惠 (12/11)

【出遊 #高雄 置身最迷人景色】

#fanfares destination of the week: #Kaohsiung

出遊高雄,深入探索台灣南部獨特景致。漫步風光秀麗的 #蓮池潭,亭台樓閣處處美景,走進氣勢十足的龍虎塔更可迎來好運;登上旗後山頂的 #高雄燈塔,飽覽港灣迷人風光,之後再到 #駁二藝術特區,感受當地人文藝術氣息。玩樂過後,當然要到 #瑞豐夜市 吃喝一番,食盡各式地道美食,為高雄之旅寫下最美味難忘回憶。密切留意早上8時fanfares正式開賣,及早登記成為註冊用戶發掘更多旅遊熱點! https://bit.ly/2qtmxw5

Cultural experiences, arts venues and a vibrant nightlife can be found in Kaohsiung, Taiwan’s second-largest city. Visit the #LotusPond Complex, where legend says you can gain good fortune by walking in to the dragon pagoda’s mouth and coming out through the tiger pagoda’s. Get your artsy fix at #Pier2ArtDistrict which hosts quirky installations all year round. And in the heart of the city, shop for eccentric souvenirs, clothing, accessories and more as you treat yourself to endless Takoyaki Balls, Sweet Potato Balls, Mochi and other delights at #RuifengNightMarket. Book fanfares to Kaohsiung at 8am and find more fanfares destinations here: https://bit.ly/2NqdAg6