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澳門巴黎人: 為慶祝澳門威尼斯人十週年,小編為大家準備咗大驚喜!

澳門巴黎人: 為慶祝澳門威尼斯人十週年,小編為大家準備咗大驚喜! 由即日起至2017年8月31日,如果你嘅生日一樣係8月份,只要憑證件就可以得到THRILLER LIVE音樂劇正價門票買一送一嘅優惠啦!8月已經過咗一半,優惠錯過咗就冇㗎啦,快啲捉緊機會搶購啦! 詳情點入:http://bit.ly/2hmEsje To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Venetian Macao, we have prepared a big surprise for you! Guests with August birthdays can enjoy THRILLER LIVE ticket buy one get one free from now until 31 Aug 2017! It's already mid-August, which means you only have half month left to catch this chance! Don't miss it and buy the tickets now! For more information : http://bit.ly/2vrpQFj #ParisianMacao #BecomePartofParis #澳門巴黎人 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知