kongsolo jetso expired

澳門巴黎人: 鍾意食自助餐嘅你一定唔可以錯過呢個優惠!

澳門巴黎人: 鍾意食自助餐嘅你一定唔可以錯過呢個優惠! 由即日起至2017年8月31日,8月生日嘅你只要二人同行起,憑有效證件就可以喺澳門巴黎人嘅「巴黎人自助餐」享受八折嘅優惠!國際美食全部都有,早午晚三餐都有!快啲嚟試吓啦~仲有好多餐廳參與折扣優惠,詳情: http://bit.ly/2f6Yxcg If you are a big fan of buffet, you should not miss this offer! From now on until 31 August, guests who were born in August can enjoy a 20% off offer at Le Buffet at the Parisian Macao! You can enjoy the same offer at other featured restaurants. Check it out at: http://bit.ly/2uikvLF *This offer is eligible for any group of 2 guests or more with at least 1 proof of identifications of birthday in August is required. #澳門巴黎人 #ParisianMacao #BecomePartofParis 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知