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澳門威尼斯人: 大家期待嘅陳曉東終於要喺2月10日嚟澳門威尼斯人同歌迷們見面啦!

澳門威尼斯人: 大家期待嘅陳曉東終於要喺2月10日嚟澳門威尼斯人同歌迷們見面啦! 2018年係陳曉東踏入樂壇第23個年頭,係別具意義嘅一年,今次整個嘅《陳曉東世界巡迴演唱會2018》都非常特別~由概念、音樂、舞台去到造型創作,佢都親力親為,希望為樂迷打造一個難忘嘅演唱會。門票現已公開發售,快啲去 http://bit.ly/2A5nN7C 買飛啦! Daniel Chan will celebrates his 23rd anniversary in the music industry this year at The Venetian Macao with his long-waited “Daniel Chan World Tour 2018 in Macao ” on 10 February. He personally worked hard on the show’s concept, music arrangements, stage design and styling, and hopes his new-found maturity will be apparent to fans. Tickets are now on sale at http://bit.ly/2Ctqs0g , get your tickets now! #澳門威尼斯人 #金沙娛樂 #VenetianMacao #VenetianEntertainment #SandsEntertainment 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知