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【愛.分享 贏大獎】有機會贏到洋紫荊維港遊「幻彩詠香江」自助晚餐門票2張,或國金軒沖繩黑糖椰汁年糕禮券1張

Henderson Club 恒地會 說這專頁讚 · 1月17日 · 【愛.分享 贏大獎】 個心明明好著緊,但把口又鬼咁密,咁就不如打出嚟啦! 即刻同我哋分享你想對屋企人講嘅情深說話,就有機會贏到洋紫荊維港遊「幻彩詠香江」自助晚餐門票2張,或國金軒沖繩黑糖椰汁年糕禮券1張,到時就可以同摯愛親朋一邊食好嘢,一邊”蜜蜜斟”啦! 遊戲玩法: 1. 讚好(Like) Henderson Club 恒地會專頁,同埋呢個Post 2. 喺留言寫出對屋企人嘅情深說話 3. 恒地會會選出最感人、溫馨同有創意嘅留言,送出兩張洋紫荊維港遊自助晚餐門票(「幻彩詠香江」自助晚餐二人門票價值合共港幣$1,034),名額1位 4. 恒地會會另選出20個切合主題嘅深情留言,每人可獲國金軒沖繩黑糖椰汁年糕禮券1張(價值港幣$320) 5. 截止時間:2018年1月24日晚上11時59分 #密密針蜜蜜斟 #有獎遊戲 #HendersonClub恒地會 #洋紫荊維港遊 #國金軒 #愛係要講出嚟 Are you sometimes shy to express your feelings and love to your family? Here, let’s tell them how you truly feel! Share with us the heartwarming message you want to express to your family by leaving comments below. You may stand a chance to win 2 cruise buffet tickets from Harbour Cruise – Bauhinia or a Chinese New Year pudding voucher from Cuisine Cuisine to share sweet moments with your loved ones! How to join: 1. Like Henderson Club’s Facebook page and this post. 2. Leave a comment on this post with a message of love to your family. 3. Henderson Club will select the most touching, heartwarming and creative comment as the winner, who will be awarded two Dinner Buffet tickets from Harbour Cruise – Bauhinia (one prize, A Symphony of Lights Dinner Buffet for two worth HK$1,034). 4. Henderson Club will select 20 other touching comments and each will win one Chinese New Year pudding voucher from Cuisine Cuisine (worth HK$320). 5. Deadline: 11:59 pm, 24 Jan 2018 活動須受條款及細則約束: https://goo.gl/551Ndd Terms and Conditions apply: https://goo.gl/551Ndd https://www.facebook.com/hldclub/photos/a.328464077211562.79941.222889687769002/1700185083372781/?type=3&permPage=1