kongsolo jetso expired

半島酒店 The Peninsula: 祝您生日快樂!

半島酒店 The Peninsula: 祝您生日快樂! 每位生日之星於生日月份內,於大堂茶座可享「快樂生辰獎賞」: 凡惠顧4位或以上晚市套餐,即享一客免費套餐及生日蛋糕一個。立即預訂: https://goo.gl/osJb42 Every birthday boy or girl can enjoy a birthday privilege in their birthday month at The Lobby. Celebrate birthday with a party of four or more, and you will receive a complimentary set meal and a birthday cake. https://goo.gl/YU7FSN 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知