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U購select: 【#TESCO急凍熟青口肉 400克】

U購select: 【#TESCO急凍熟青口肉 400克】 「TESCO急凍熟青口肉」將原隻青口剝殼煮熟,再將青口肉急凍保存,咁樣就可以將青口最原本嘅鮮味直接 送入你口中啦! *貨品數量有限,部分貨品只限指定店舖有售。售完即止。所有價格以店舖為準。 TESCO Cooked Mussel Meat is cooked shelled mussels and being freezed for preservation. The mussel meat with ice glazed brings the most original taste and savour of mussels to you! *All products are subject to availability while stocks last. Some of the products are available in selected stores only. Prices of products should follow the prices listed in the stores. 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知