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【#SPARKS綻放精彩人生 抉擇6步曲 – 第五回合】有獎遊戲 贏走$100 Starbucks現金禮券

DBS 【#SPARKS綻放精彩人生 抉擇6步曲 – 第五回合】有獎遊戲 25年前,初出茅廬嘅Chester搵到第一個客戶—陸先生。嚟到《SPARKS 綻放精彩》第七集,陸家突然傳嚟噩耗,佢哋唯一嘅兒子Jeffery因為急病離開咗! 屋企突然剩返Grace一個,加上公司債務纍纍,令佢頓然覺得好無助。如果你係Chester,你會建議Grace應該點樣面對?即刻留言,贏走$100 Starbucks現金禮券啦! 遊戲玩法: 1. 讚好 @DBS 星展銀行 Facebook專頁及分享本帖 2. 收睇《SPARKS綻放精彩》第七集片段,喺留言位置回答你嘅建議 3. 4位參加者將有機會獲得獎品$100 Starbucks現金禮券 即睇完整版本:https://go.dbs.com/2qF9t31 第五回合遊戲結束日期:2018年5月27日 晚上11時59分 受條款及細則約束,詳情:https://go.dbs.com/2oXV4y3 嚟緊2個星期,我哋繼續會抽出每一集角色所面對嘅抉擇。連同之前四個回合,只要你每星期答啱片中問題,就有機會嬴取每週獎品,連續答哂6個回合嘅問題,仲可以自動參加大抽獎羸走豐富獎賞! 想知道最後一個回合有咩禮物?記得留意下星期嘅遊戲喇! 【DBS SPARKS: Making Tough decisions – 5th Round】Facebook Game 25 years ago, Mr. Luk became Chester’s first client. In DBS Sparks Episode 7, Mr. Luk’s only son passed away due to sudden illness. Grace, Mr. Luk’s wife, was now alone and struggling with overbearing debts. If you were in Chester’s shoes, how would you help Grace? Tell us and you could win a $100 Starbucks Gift Voucher! How to play: 1. Like this post as well as the DBS 星展銀行 (HK) Facebook Page 2. Watch DBS SPARKS Episode 7 and tell us the answer to the question in the comments 3. The 4 best and well thought out answers will win a $100 Starbucks Gift Voucher Watch the full episode now: https://go.dbs.com/2qF9t31 End Date: 27 May 2018, 11:59pm. Terms and Conditions apply. For details: https://go.dbs.com/2oXV4y3 These coming 2 weeks, there will be similar games highlighting different characters from DBS SPARKS. Each with another chance at the prize. Better yet, if you answer in all 6 rounds, you will be enrolled in a lucky draw to win a Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link™! If you missed previous rounds, you are still eligible to enter the coming rounds and win prizes! https://www.facebook.com/dbs.hk/photos/a.550382184993047.122601.173303096034293/1934683753229543/?type=3&permPage=1