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SOGO 崇光百貨: 【夏日Chill一Chill】

SOGO 崇光百貨: 【夏日Chill一Chill】 天氣咁熱,同朋友行街都想飲返杯消暑特飲呀!嚟崇光尖沙咀店就有㗎喇!由即日起至28/8期間,凡即日累積購物 (最多2張發票) 滿$1,200 (SOGO Rewards會員購物滿$800),即可獲贈agnès b. CAFÉ指定特飲買1送1優惠券1張,同好友一齊開心Share! -SOGO Rewards會員須出示會員卡手機頁面及印有其相符會員號碼之發票正本,方可享有指定優惠。 -禮品換領處設於LG/F、G/F及1/F收銀處。 -每人每日 / 每組發票及每個會員號碼只限領取禮品1次。 -每日名額數量有限,送完即止。 【Chilly Summer】 Craving cold drinks during these hot Summer days? From now until 28/8, upon any same-day accumulative purchase (max. 2 sales memos) of over $1,200 ($800 for SOGO Rewards Member) at SOGO TST can redeem an agnès b. CAFÉ Buy One Get One Free Coupon on Designated Drinks! -SOGO Rewards Member should present the card’s interface on mobile app and the original sales memo with the corresponding membership no. to enjoy the designated privileges. -Redemption counter is located at the cashiers on LG/F, G/F & 1/F. -Max. 1 redemption per Membership no./per set of sales memos. -Gifts are available while stocks last. #SOGOHongKong #sogoessentials #agnèsbCAFÉ #芒果香蕉牛奶果昔 #西瓜菠蘿蘇打 #香蕉豆奶果昔 #見到啲飲品名都覺得涼浸浸 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知