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Parisian Macao 澳門巴黎人 澳門巴黎人鐵塔,是按照法國巴黎鐵塔原塔二分之一比例興建的。登上鐵塔,可以感受彷彿置身巴黎的氣息。跟着以下三個步驟,就有機會獲得澳門巴黎人鐵塔景觀台門票兩張,來一趟法式旅程。 參加抽獎方法: 1) 點讚此FACEBOOK專頁 2) 分享此帖文(設定為公開) 3) 在留言中TAG一位好友 截止日期及時間: 2018年9月26日 23:59 得獎名單公佈日期: 2018年9月27日 The Eiffel Tower at the Parisian Macao features a half-scale authentic recreation of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Follow the three simple steps below and you may win 2 admission tickets to the Eiffel Tower at The Parisian Macao, and immerse yourself in the French art of living: 1) LIKE this Facebook Page 2) Share this post (set to public) 3) Tag a friend in the comment section Deadline: 26th September 2018 23:59 Winner Announcement: 27th September 2018 活動受條款約束。Terms and Conditions Applied. https://bit.ly/2Kv8tYd https://www.facebook.com/TheParisianMacao/photos/a.319816831537139/969079379944211/?type=3&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARC2QTLdlr90iYwsCy54OnLQFkssBkhnnp2-Ox6gDJzopiC1WmnZt4gaOhm2cqoRsxa3DQk2JklwDSC-Wbqp5eTxDJHKqRWIRiX3vDRqoj4aDi9lAbTuoJLpSKiepMxEakuOHJ-QKmoc03ZYleyUMsFgEU4B7usgsal7Fhw47OrPsAvkh89Bjg&__tn__=H-R