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翡翠餐飲集團 Crystal Jade HK 【翡翠已經為你準備好利是封啦!Chime in with Your Chinese New Year’s Greetings to Win Red Packet Envelopes from Crystal Jade】 辦年貨、換新鈔、蘿蔔糕、團年飯,一聽到呢D詞語就知農曆新年就到啦!仲有一樣好重要嘅嘢,就係包利是啦~我地梗係知道你嘅需要啦,所以已經為你準備好利是封啦,由今日起至1月23日中午12點,響FACBOOK帖文留言講一句恭賀說話並並上(https://bit.ly/2FIOPIJ) 填妥個人資料,講得最好意頭嘅100名粉絲即可獲得「翡翠2019封利是」2套架啦~ Your Chinese New Year preparation checklist may look something like this: new year shopping spree, changing of new money notes, turnip cakes, family reunion dinners and ah yes – red packet envelopes for preparing “lai sees” to spread the new year blessings! Let’s start checking off the last item by posting an auspicious greeting for the Chinese New Year before 12:00 pm on February 6! The 100 Facebook followers who come up with the most propitious greeting phrases will receive two sets of “Crystal Jade 2018 Red Packet Envelopes” as a new year’s gift! 玩法How to play: 1. 讚好並分享此帖子Like and Share this Facebook post; 2. 按讚「翡翠餐飲集團」的Facebook專頁Like our “Crystal Jade HK” Facebook Fan Page; 3. 在此帖留言,並說一句恭賀說話並到以下網址填妥個人資料Respond to this Facebook post with a Chinese New Year auspicious greeting and fill in your personal information from following link (https://bit.ly/2FIOPIJ) https://www.facebook.com/crystaljade.hk/photos/a.351030971735850/1104046803100926/?type=3&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDERcwIUxCIjwfq5UnrzFwtbrxVnOY--1QRuDiDeMprutQdnFAxEgVQ74v6yReBTF-mOSGg3Ip5T2m2h1wNk2CbDbbcbmrWpLy6I9j_DUQLHb3_SzGgYxi-m1q6oPAU2-feZShcv9_wdfeTskTLQEkbHDi6mLjb0TE4GeWvxI6ctDKPWP30kaK69QVhotPNxV5cjYIJ6yni3iOtGOxURdEQ9yLBdZ7089oV0DXBQ27-MYPussFlt8rmBeE6U6ReQefuyGxdViopdxG0FR8NErpEjnw_gPpzSJHyIaXLn_udG8tklqb7G4PJXosZuKBlREJGl94pay54Cv_PoktkzP5AJ56E-udE3hjjukfVp7lw1WRk-nBx0HoO&__tn__=-R