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尚廚【#新年#情人節 回本首選全新「鮑參燕肚」自助晚餐】#限量搶購 #高達65折

尚廚【#新年#情人節 回本首選全新「鮑參燕肚」自助晚餐】#限量搶購 #高達65折 由2月開始,尚廚精心打造了全新極致奢華的「鮑參燕肚」自助晚餐,有多款鮑魚、海參及燕窩菜式,包括鮑你撈起、四川涼拌海參、蟹黃燕窩酥盒等,更有六款海鮮、四款刺身、融合中西特色的Fusion甜品及Haagen Dazs雪糕等等,讓你大快朵頤!於新年和情人節期間,更帶來「好意頭」的新春賀年菜式和情人節限定菜式,令你與至愛滋味共渡節日。現於網上預付,更可享高達65折優惠: http://bit.ly/TCT_eshop_Feb-Mar ,詳情: http://bit.ly/TCT_BuffetDetails 查詢: 3983 0688。 Starting from February, The Chef’s Table introduces the lavish ‘Imperial Treasure’ dinner buffet with divine highlights such as Lo Hei, Szechuan shredded sea cucumber, puff pastry with crab roe and bird’s nest etc., as well as 6 kinds of seafood, 4 kinds of sashimi, fusion desserts and Haagen Dazs ice cream to satisfy your taste buds. In Chinese New Year and Valentine’ Day, our chef will also treat you with limited specials! Prepay now to enjoy up to 35% off: http://bit.ly/TCT_eshop_Feb-Mar More details: http://bit.ly/TCT_BuffetDetails Enquiries: 3983 0688 . #limited #UpTo35%Off 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知