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築地山貴水產【牡蠣放題 再度回歸!!!】約埋朋友一齊黎「蠔」擦一餐啦!

築地山貴水產【牡蠣放題 再度回歸!!!】 蠔迷佳音!繼上年推出嘅蠔食放題大受歡迎後,一直令食客們念念不忘〜 築地山貴決定於3月25日隆重推出由#日本直送 嘅 #兵庫縣真蠔 放題!唔止肉質肥厚、蠔味澎湃,仲有豐富營養,絕對令人一試再試! 由3月25日起至4月尾, 每位客人凡於築地山貴堂食惠顧任何飲品或食品滿$200 或以上 (未計加一服務費),即可以優惠價$188享用每位90分鐘日本蠔放題 約埋朋友一齊黎「蠔」擦一餐啦! 【Free Flow Oyster is back !!!】 Love nothing more than freshly oyster? Lucky for you, get your fill of tasty oyster at Yamataka. Starting from 25 March 2019 to late April , enjoy HKD$188 per guest for the Japanese Oyster Free Flow (90 mins)! *Offer is valid upon spending of $200 or above (10% service charge not included) per person #兵庫縣 #真蠔 #生蠔 #蠔放題 #任食 #FreeFlow #OysterFreeFlow #yamatakahk #築地山貴 #築地山貴水產市場 #超正 #睇住海景食生蠔 條款及細則: - 數量有限,敬先以電話預約 (預約電話: 3974 5609) - 為保持食物質素,恕不接受臨時增加用餐人數,敬請原諒。 - 90分鐘用餐時間以入坐後起計 - 全檯客人均需使用此放題優惠, 金額以預訂人數為準 (12歲以下小童,孕婦及65歲長者如不使用優惠可除外) - 另設加一服務費 - 不能與其他優惠同時使用 - 優惠全日供應,只限堂食 - 優惠視乎供貨而定,如有特別情況,將作另行通知 - 如有任何爭議,築地山貴水產保留最終決定權 Terms & Conditions: - Offer valid while stocks last. Advance reservation required (Tel: 3974 5609) - The number of diners cannot exceed the number of guests booked. - 90 mins free flow starts from seated time. - Free Flow offer is valid for the whole table, which based on the number of guests booked. (Children under the age of 12, pregnant woman and elderly aged 65 or above who did not enjoy the offer will not be charged) - 10% service charge applies - Not valid in conjunction with any other promotional offers. - This whole day offer is valid for dine-in only. - Oyster promotions are subject to availability. Special situation shall notify in advance. - For any disputes, YAMATAKA reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice. 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知