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為慶祝復活節 ,恆豐酒店推出更多優惠。

為慶祝復活節 ,恆豐酒店推出更多優惠。由2019年4月1日至2019年4月30日,凡惠顧自助午餐,星期一至五可享75折優惠; 星期六、日及公眾假期可享8折。 復活節期間 (2019年4月19日至2019年4月22日) ,每兩位成人惠顧自助晚餐可享75折優惠,同行親友即享7折優惠,最適合一家大細好好慶祝一番。我們更準備了應節禮物,每位小朋友當晚都能獲贈精美復活蛋填色DIY套裝乙份,讓他們可以發揮無限創意,設計獨一無二的復活蛋 (數量有限,送完即止)。 訂座及優惠查詢: 27324611。了解更多: http://bit.ly/2V78erk Great deals for Easter! From April 1, 2019 to April 30 2019, you can enjoy 25% discount on Lunch Buffet from Monday to Friday, and 20% discount from Saturday to Sunday & Public Holidays. During Easter Holidays (from April 19, 2019 to April 22, 2019), 30% discount will be offered to accompany guests upon dining with two guests paying patrons with 25% discount on Dinner Buffet. Each child will receive a Coloring DIY Easter Egg gift set , allowing them to unleash their creativity and make their own one-of-a-kind Easter egg (Offer valid while stocks last). For reservations: +852 27324611 Discover more: http://bit.ly/2FNEv1L #恆豐酒店 #自助餐優惠 #復活節假期 #PrudentialHotel #BuffetPromotion #EasterHolidays 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知