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【100周年送大禮】活動 Round 1

Fackelmann Hong Kong 香港法克曼 【100周年送大禮】活動 Round 1 海因里希·法克曼於1919年創立家族企業。塞巴斯蒂安·法克曼於1960年接管公司並開始了木製廚房用具的生產。自1981年以來,我們也生產塑料製品,但隨著環境的變化,我們也必須改變。這就是為什麼今天我們還生產由可持續材料製成的廚具,例如有機塑料或可可豆殼。 你哋預備好玩第一個遊戲未呢?今次我哋想考考你~影片中法克曼用咩材料製作第一個廚房用具? A:竹子 B:木材 C:塑料 記得係呢個Post 到回答正確答案同Tag 3 位朋友仔呀! 咦?!原來你唔知我哋玩緊有獎品遊戲咩?按下面條link了解多啲啦! 按我:http://bit.ly/FACK_100anniversary ==================================== Round1 Founded in 1919 by Heinrich Fackelmann and still operating as a family business. In 1960 we started our first own production with kitchen utensils made out of wood. At this point of time Fackelmann was led by Sebastian Fackelmann. Since 1981 we're also producing tools made of plastic, but as our environment ist changing, we also have to change. This is why today we also produce kitchen utensils made from sustainable materials such as organic plastic or cocoa shells. Here comes the question: From which material were the first articles made of by Fackelmann? A: Bamboo B: Wood C:Plastic Remember to comment the correct answer in this post and tag 3 friends! Oh?! You are not aware that we are running a ? Click here and see more: http://bit.ly/FACK_100anniversary https://www.facebook.com/fackelmann.hk/videos/2268369823270009/?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAmxcTfJdmcwuTDuwnyiRMgTesHw_4Snpoxwi32XU_GZADYBhlvG820xg3Zlz7fqUrV8LGNbVaD5WvyNjkWPx4NtJKX87YliSNFgt0yhESnSFvAlt7zTVEkoHRh5XUiYgXgh2yFafKNI0kvfEGckLSTFEjYtPpe7kuAI0XiSiVG5n69FOQzlx8-92U5Q9ROofAESRJ2MbDGkcEAw8nxfJGhde7iscjVQssaUvpNe-WoJrYBDZgQshL6b0te2FbLiDmvTVuhLHQkBfRLu4KUywlzzu7TMXpVlaj-fJYOnma_tuP3LcYA2xkmLbuDeGE1XbwpgOklQfZbZPhTnjng_2gPNhXNOxBKgR-C1A&__tn__=-R