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九龍香格里拉大酒店: 【情迷・巧克力】

九龍香格里拉大酒店: 【情迷・巧克力】 誰說巧克力只可甜吃? 大堂酒廊將於十一月推出全新巧克力主題周末下午茶自助餐,除了一系列巧克力甜品,廚師更創作了墨西哥辣椒及巧克力燒雞翼、可可茴香豬柳、咖啡可可牛柳等滋味菜式,讓你的味蕾墮進難以抗拒的香濃誘惑!不要錯過【粉絲專享】限時85折網上預訂優惠:http://bit.ly/LLAT15c Chocolate treats are never limited to desserts only. Lobby Lounge has created a chocolate-themed weekend tea buffet for November, with savoury creations such as Coffee Cocoa Beef Medallion, Dark Chocolate Chipotle-Chilli BBQ Chicken Wings and Cocoa and Fennel Pork Tenderloin, as well as an array of chocolate cakes, mousse and crème brûlée. Book now to enjoy a limited-time offer of 15% off the buffet price: http://bit.ly/LLAT15e 推廣期: 2017年 11 月4日至26日(逢星期六及日),請於10月29日前完成網上預訂。 Online booking period: Now till 29 October 2017 for reservations from 4 to 26 November 2017 (Saturdays and Sundays) 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知