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Godiva: 2018新年限量巧克力

Godiva 在西方說到茶,就會連想到紅茶、花茶,而在東方第一個連想到的,就是帶有青翠色澤、方香甘醇的綠茶,自古以來如何泡茶、如何品茗已經成為東方文化中的重要代表特色之一,因此,綠茶不僅是日常生活的重要飲品,更是逢年過節的熱門伴手禮之一。GODIVA將東方象徵的綠茶,融入比利時巧克力當中,並且細致融入開心果碎,讓綠茶的清新跟巧克力完美結合。快到GODIVA門市來杯茶飲,買盒新年巧克力禮盒試一試吧! In the West, when talking about teas, we think about black teas and floral teas; whereas in the East, the most prominent teas revolve around the refreshingly fragrant bittersweet green tea. From excellent tea brewing, to selecting good tea leaves, these are all part of the Asian culture, making green tea a significant part of our daily lives, especially over special occasions, such as Chinese New Year. GODIVA takes the iconic green tea and incorporates it into their well-loved Belgium chocolates, adding bits of pistachios, creating a perfect harmony. Come along to GODIVA shops for a taste of green tea and give this quintessential combination a try, we're sure you'll love it! #2018新年限量巧克力系列 #絲絲茶香開啟好運氣 #以茶配茶香巧克力 #GODIVA新年快樂 #GODIVAChineseNewYear 條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知